Consumed: an interactive horror adventure

Consumed was a world-premiere work performed in October and November 2016 as part of the Twin Cities Horror Festival. Follow the links below for more information. 

About the Show
Artist Profiles
Audience FAQ
Alice is Waiting

Ghost man in alley.jpg

About the show

October 27-November 6, 2016
Southern Theater
1420 S. Washington Ave., Minneapolis
Part of the Twin Cities Horror Festival

Your contact Alice has invited you to an urgent meeting. For weeks now you’ve been helping her investigate something distinctly unnatural, and tonight you make your move. You’ll have to decide how much of what Alice is telling you is true and who (if anyone) you should trust. Listen to messages, look for clues, and hunt down witnesses as you race against time to accomplish your goal: whether that’s carrying out Alice’s plan, or stopping her for the greater good.

Consumed makes you the protagonist in an interactive horror adventure. Wear comfy shoes, bring your cell phone, and dress for the weather, because your journey will take you away from the safety of the Southern Theater. The performance includes divergent tracks and endings, so you may want to return and choose a different path. The price of admission includes light refreshments

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artist profiles

Grace Christenson (Performer). Originally from Wisconsin, Grace moved to the cities in order to pursue a theater degree. While studying at the University of Minnesota, her theater studies and experience became centered around both collaborative work and interactive theater. For five years she acted inside The Soap Factory's infamous Haunted Basement, as well as the award-winning, immersive show Crime and Punishment. Since graduating she has taken a job teaching for and co-managing Drama Kids International, as well as doing shows with her up and coming company: GARLIC Artists. GARLIC premiered at the MN Fringe this summer with there absurdist show Living with Roaches.

Shannon Elliot (Production Designer) earned her generals at Anoka-Ramsey Community College and her B.A. in Theatre from University of Northwestern-St Paul. She works as a tech manager at Minnehaha Academy and is also a freelance lighting designer in the cities. Her experience includes sound production, installation art, acting, and theater education.

Margo Gray (Director) is pleased to be bringing Playable Artworks' interactive style to the Twin Cities Horror Festival. She holds an MFA from Carnegie Mellon University, and has worked in Chicago, Pittsburgh, Moscow, and London. 

Tamara Koltes (Performer) holds her BFA in Theater from Seattle’s Cornish College of the Arts, with an interest in developing new works and a background in dance and movement. Her most recent stage appearances include: Air D&D (MDK Productions), Rumors of Shadows (Kinetic Fusion Physical Theatre), The Cruel Painter of Radostdale (Laughing Nomad Productions), Tales from Wonderland: A Common Night (Maximum Verbosity), Captain Do Good Saves the World from Wal-Mart (MN Fringe 2014), Daylight’s Nightfall (YFX), Broceliande; The Death of Merlin (Six Elements Theatre), 2014 Human Combat Chess (Six Elements Theatre), along with the New York debuts of Charles Mee’s The Four Seasons (Merchant’s Hall) and The Strange Tales of Preston Stagger (Lion Pinball Players).

Kyle James Olson (Performer) is a native of Wisconsin who recently relocated to the Twin Cities. Kyle has a degree in Musical Theatre performance from UW- La Crosse and is an honors graduate from the Theatre Lab in Washington, DC. He is currently teaching PreK, and has taught music and theatre at summer camps and as part of after school programs for nearly a decade. Kyle is very excited to make his Twin Cities debut as part of Consumed, and hopes everyone will take a closer look at the world around them after taking part in the story.

Ally Rae (Performer) is a local improviser, actor, writer, and super-amateur ukulele player. They are a member of Lavender Panic, the all-queer improv troupe featured at HUGE Theater, and have been featured in Drunk Queer History for Gadfly Theater. They grew up in the Twin Cities acting for local theater companies such as Children's Theater and Mixed Blood. Ally Rae studied writing and theater at the Pratt Institute in New York City, where they also performed Off-Broadway and wrote for Vice Magazine. Since their return to the Twin Cities, they have been acting in local short films for the Twin Cities Film Festival and the MNKINO Film Score Fest while studying improv with HUGE and ComedySportz. Ally Rae is incredibly honored to be a member of this production and wants to thank their partner and their fantastic cat, Finn, for all the love and support and more love.

Piper Shatz-Akin (Perfomer) is very excited to be a part of her first TC Horror Fest! Recently, she's worked with the MN Fringe Festival, Theatre in the Round, and Six Elements Theatre Company. When she's not on stage, Piper enjoys drawing, designing costumes, eating cookies, and playing with her pet rat. When she grows up, she wants to be just like her role models: Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Bathory, and Neil Patrick Harris.

Sarah Wolf (Stage Manager). This is Sarah's first time working in the Twin Cities Horror Festival. She is happy to be stage managing Consumed, a play that relates more to the "horrors" of life, as she doesn't really like horror. Sarah stage managed most recently on Trust by Self Reliant productions and with 20% Theater Company on their Q-Stage new work series. She also stage managed Fahrenheit 451 at Theatre in the Round. She loves doing different types of theater and hopes audiences have fun interacting with Consumed!

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Audience FAQ

Not sure if an "interactive horror adventure" is for you? Wondering what to bring on your journey? Visit our Audience FAQ for answers to these and many other questions.

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Alice is waiting

If you've already purchased your tickets, be on the lookout for an e-mail from Alice with special instructions on how to prepare for your mission. If you know what you're doing, you can enter here. 

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